Tuesday, April 12, 2011

art deco font tutorial

In this tutorial you can learn how to create a font and border in an art deco style.

 ORIGINAL IMAGES: the Eiffel tower and a man relaxin. I was originally going to only use the Eiffel tower out of the one picture but after  I added the man in I liked the way the trees looked and it looked better then if i tried adding other images to get a similar effect.

   I researched other art deco posters before trying to make one of my own. I found that they were pretty simple designs that made a point.
I wanted to show someone relaxing in Paris. when I thought Paris i thought of the Eiffel tower. when I got my pictures i wanted to make them more animated, so I changed the brush stroke to and ink outline. i then took the buildings in the background out because it made the picture feel to busy. I then filled that space with blue and some clouds to make it seem like it was still the sky. I also had to play around with the size of the man, i didn't want him to big but he had to b big enough so you can see him.